Thursday, 18 November 2010

E Learning

Virtually Linked has developed a model within Second Life (SL) of part of the centre of London. Many aspects of this model are extremely faithful to real life London. Buildings have been reproduced which not only look like their real life counterparts but also contain internal structures such as stairs, lifts doors and rooms. This opens up opportunities to use this model for simulating London based environmental situations, real and hypothetical.

More accurate models could probably be produced and may already exist using different modeling systems however, Virtually Linked have already created a model and the nature of Second Life means that this model is very easy to access by the public. In fact members of the public already visit it every day. For no cost members of the public (using their avatar) can walk around the model or even be taken on conducted tours. This makes this particular model unique and extremely powerful for a project enabling very public access and a high level of public involvement and engagement. Not only can Londoners access the model directly, so can anyone with a reasonable computer and Internet access from anywhere in the world.