Thursday, 30 December 2010

Connectivism Theory

Connectivism theory presents a model of learning that acknowledges the rapid change of Technology where learning is no longer an internal, individualistic activity. How people work and function is altered when new tools are utilized. The field of education has been slow to recognize both the impact of new learning tools and the environmental changes in what it means to learn. Connectivism theory provides insight into learning skills and tasks needed for learners to flourish in a digital era.

Connectivism theory fit nicely together with the thesis of virtual 3-D learning environments being supportive of communication, community and sharing. Communication is an aspect of effective teamwork, while another important aspect of teamwork that is essential in education is "how" members interact with each other or develop connections that form a community of practice.

1 comment:

  1. "Experience has long been considered the best teacher of knowledge. Since we cannot experience everything, other people's experiences, and hence other people, become the surrogate for knowledge. 'I store my knowledge in my friends' is an axiom for collecting knowledge through collecting people (undated)." Karen Stephenson
